Private Car Service vs Ride Share

  • Supporting Local Small Business

    • Sure, scheduling a ride with a ride share company requires virtually no thought. But you may also want to consider where your money is actually going when you evaluate your ground transportation options. When you choose a ride share, you’re supporting a huge corporation that doesn’t do a thing to protect its drivers or even compensate them fairly. A lot of drivers who work as contractors for these companies can barely make enough to scrape by. But when you contract our services, you’re supporting a local, thriving business that takes pride in its vehicles and in the quality of its drivers. Ultimately, that puts money back into the surrounding community and helps other businesses succeed.

  • Personal Safety

    • When you hire a private car service, you know you’re in good hands. That’s because professional chauffeur companies take the time to vet their employees through comprehensive background investigation process. Some transportation companies take it one step further and require their drivers to undergo intensive training before they get behind the wheel. Compare that commitment to service with Uber’s which recently added some much-needed safety features to their app to be used WHILE passengers are in the car. Even with the new safety features, experts warn the changes amount to small steps toward a safer rider experience. In recent times, some ride share drivers have been reported to perpetrate crimes ranging from sexual assault to robbery, and as at November 2018, not less than 37 Uber drivers had been convicted of the accused 103. Ultimately, Private car services are safer options for you than ride share.

  • Reliability

    • When you plan on using a ride share company you are hoping a car will be available at that exact moment you call them. Since in many cases you cannot reserve ahead of time, you are anticipating that it will not be a busy time. Or that drivers will be willing to drive to your destination – not always a sure thing when it is far away, or in a remote location. Reserve a private car service to guarantee the requested type of vehicle will pick you up on time and take you to your destination – regardless of the distance.

  • Save Time

    • Hiring a private car service saves time, and potentially a lot of it. Instead of contacting a ride share company on the spur of the moment, plan ahead and schedule a ride with a our private car services. Scheduling ahead of time my help you avoid pesky surcharges and surge pricing by ride share companies.

  • Stress Free Travel

    • Whether you’re traveling alone or with a group or with your children and family, it’s not okay to be stressed out.  When you hire a private transportation company, your travel is completely arranged for you from your pick-up to your destination on time. That means you don’t have to worry about anything other than whether you’ve brought the right reading material or a good pair of headphones.

  • Group Transportation

    • If you’re traveling with a group of friends and family, finding a vehicle large enough using a ride share is hit or miss, and you may wind up having to order multiple vehicles. When you book your transportation with us, you can be sure that our drivers will arrive in a luxury SUV or Van.

  • Pricing

    • For the comfort and safety a private car service provides, it is a very cost-effective option. Although it may seem like a private car service costs more than a ride share, you would pay less in the long run in certain situations, such as transporting to several locations at a time. Using an a ride share company is cheaper only when you have quick or short ride.